
Investing – I back early-stage founders building crypto protocols/networks and companies.

Open Systems – research and grants in service of the internet. I commission projects related to decentralized systems and support open source development. Please reach out if you want to work on a project together.

Schelling point – myself and a few friends run a crypto irl community in SF. Some of our prior events include:

Anna Kazlauskas, Vana
Bram Cohen, Chia
Nathan McCauley, Anchorage
David Vorick, Glow
Jay Jog, Sei

Entropic Order – an experimental pop-up event space focused on social coordination and governance for decentralized systems. – my friend, Sachin, and I explore boundaries of human knowledge via our podcast. We made it for ourselves as a way to follow our curiosity. Our latest season focused on understanding the relationship between software, technology, and change; it’s a collage of perspectives from Carlota Perez, Kevin Kelly, Vint Cerf, Tim O’Reilly, Brian Arthur, Noah Smith, Clay Shirky, Yochai Benkler, and many others.